

Fortify Health and performance inc.

Fortify was started in April, 2019 in order to offer the best possible custom made training and rehabilitation programs to residents of the Durham region. We then expanded our service to include on-line training, meaning anyone, anywhere can benefit from our knowledge. We believe that the key to being successful in anything you want to accomplish is building the physical capacity to do so in an injury free manner! We work with people who have a wide variety of goals:

  • weight loss/weight maintenance

  • muscle building

  • athletic performance

  • injury rehabilitation

  • pain management

Services we offer include:

  • Physiotherapy (clinical and in-home)

  • Laser Therapy

  • Taping

  • Personal Training (in-home)

  • Sports Training

  • Workout Programming

You can meet our team here. Please contact us if you have any questions about how Fortify can help you achieve all your goals. Check back often to watch our list of services grow!